There are More Pothead Professionals Than You'd Think
As several states have now legalized recreational use of marijuana, and it's been largely decriminalized in some other places, like New York City, the New York Post writes that there are more pothead among professionals like teachers, businessmen, executives and others than you'd might think.
The Post cites a Gallup poll from last August that shows that number of American adults who use marijuana has nearly doubled in the past three years, up to 13 percent in 2016 from seven percent in 2013, and polls have been showing that a majority of Americans now favor legal marijuana use.
A marketing manager at a major New York TV station who used the pseudonym "Zach" told the Post about his pot-smoking: "There's a big misconception that people that smoke are burnouts and sluggish. I've got a spring in my step. I've always moving. I'm very high energy." The story even cities a mom who says she'll smoke with other parents during kids' play dates.
But not everyone is on board. Dr. Kevin Sabet, former senior adviser to the drug czar under former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, told the Post, "Marijuana is absolutely harmful and absolutely addictive. The industry is selling a lie that marijuana is more or less harmless, and that's just not true." (Pulse Networks)