Hate Trump/Love Trump

I was checking my Facebook newsfeed in the hours after President Trump's Thursday news conference.  The internet and social platforms were aflame with political arguments, far too much of it vicious, on both sides. But I was struck by these two posts, one from a woman and one from a man.  I'll call them Jane and John. Both of these folks are longtime friends of mine, and I know both of them to be quality people....they're both successful in their professional lives, both patriots.  They are each devout Christians and both have contributed greatly to their communities and have enriched their neighborhoods.  And yet they couldn't possibly be farther apart in how they view this president.  Take a look and see if you agree with me that this is the perfect illustration of where our fractured America is today.

Jane:  Today there was a so called news conference by a "so called" president. Let me tell you about it using his words-- it was 'a mess", "a disaster " , "fake", "chaos", oh and the "tone" yes the "tone". And all the while he totally avoided all the serious issues that need to be addressed. Sad .

John:  Just watched the whole Trump press conference. He was outstanding and put the media in their rightful place. In my opinion, he is a huge improvement over both Obama and Bush. I am excited about our future as a country.

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