Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Lord knows what will happen with Gary and his crew on KFAB’s Morning News, but you can bet it’ll be on point and entertaining, and if you listen you’ll be ready for the day!


Russia Has Their Own Sully Sullenberger

Aviation analyst Jay Ratliff tells us how a Russian pilot successful landed an airliner with 233 passengers and crew in a cornfield after losing both engines on take-off in a feat compared to U.S. Airways flight 1549 captained by Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, when they lost both engines and landed in the Hudson River without a fatality or major injuries. Ratliff also updates us on the troubles Boeing continues to have is correcting problems with their Max line of airliners.

CLICK HERE to hear more with Jay Ratliff

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