Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Lord knows what will happen with Gary and his crew on KFAB’s Morning News, but you can bet it’ll be on point and entertaining, and if you listen you’ll be ready for the day!


Starting in January, A New Baby in Nebraska Comes With $100!

State Treasurer John Murante tells us about the Meadowlark Act passed as a part of LB 610 in the late days of the legislative session. The Act says that each baby born as a resident of Nebraska starting January 1, 2020 will have $100 deposited in a 529 NEST account to start saving for a college education. Murante tells us how the program works and where the money is coming from. Photo: Shutterstock

CLICK HERE for more with Treasurer John Murante

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