Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Lord knows what will happen with Gary and his crew on KFAB’s Morning News, but you can bet it’ll be on point and entertaining, and if you listen you’ll be ready for the day!


Suicide and the People Trying to Save Lives

After a prominent Lincoln radio host took his own life last week, we spoke to Kris Hallstrom, manager of the Boys Town National Hotline. Serving a variety of personal issues, including those considering suicide. Kris tells us some of the reasons people consider suicide, what their counselors can do, and not do, and what people can do to help themselves or others. Boys Town also has a website that is designed for teens but can be used by adults. The website is

CLICK HERE to hear more from Kris Hallstrom

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