Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Lord knows what will happen with Gary and his crew on KFAB’s Morning News, but you can bet it’ll be on point and entertaining, and if you listen you’ll be ready for the day!


SupCo To Decide Whether Public Employees Have to Pay Union Dues

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Monday on an Illinois suit that challenges whether public employees can be forced to pay union dues. At issue is forcing employees to pay dues when the employee does not want to be a union member or support that union. The unions claim the employee benefits from being in the union, thus the should pay, The decision would only impact state, county and local public employee unions. Dan DiSalvo on the Manhattan Institute lays out the case.

CLICK HERE for our conversation with Dan DiSalvo.

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