Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Gary Sadlemyer and KFAB's Morning News

Lord knows what will happen with Gary and his crew on KFAB’s Morning News, but you can bet it’ll be on point and entertaining, and if you listen you’ll be ready for the day!


Expert Tips on How to Get Your Yard Through The Mild Weather

John Fech, host of "Plant Talk" heard on Saturday mornings at 6 AM and extension horticulturalist with the University of Nebraska, says this unseasonably warm February weather could trick some plants and trees into prematurely growing and blooming.  There are a few things you should do to help keep your plants and trees healthy when they are "supposed" to wake up.

LAWNS- He doesn't anticipate any problems for your lawn.

TREES-  He is concerned that young trees (especially if planted last fall but possibly anytime in the last year or 18 months) might bud and they might not have enough stored carbohydrates to bud again.  You might end up with thin leafing on the young trees this year if they bud now.

Not as worried about older trees because they probably have enough carbs stored to bud twice.

WATERING- On newer trees and shrubs during this warm weather. Stick a screwdriver in the ground adjacent to the tree or shrub and if it comes up dry, give it a good soaking.  More likely south exposed trees/shrubs will be dry, less likely with those with north exposure.

BULBS/PERENNIALS - Many are showing early growth.  If they are mulched, pull the mulch back.  The mulch will store way too much heat if it is covering the sprouts. But keep it nearby so you can shove it back over the plants when it gets cold again. If you do not have any mulch down and you get bulb/ perennial sprouts, go to any garden store or center and buy some so you can mulch right as colder weather arrives later this week.

Fech's Motto- Mulch off first half of this week, mulch back on when colder weather returns.

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