Cold Forces More Omaha Solid Waste Collection Changes


Photo: GINTS IVUSKANS / AFP / Getty Images

The City of Omaha announces solid waste collections for the normal Tuesday and Wednesday service areas have been canceled for this week due to extreme cold temperatures, and safety concerns and will not be rescheduled.

Missed collections on Monday February 17th will also not be rescheduled.

Both contractor FCC Environmental Services and the City of Omaha are monitoring the weather, which may result in future impacts to collection service this week.

Next Monday, February 24th, a new collection week will begin in the Monday collection area and the B recycling group.

FCC will collect reasonable, additional amounts of excess garbage placed in bags and outside of the cart in an organized manner.

Residents are asked to make sure that bagged material outside of the cart is clearly visible to ensure collection.

Excess recyclables may be taken to a drop-off site, held for a future collection, or bagged as garbage.

(Picture from Getty Images)

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