Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News / Getty Images
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office says false and misleading information is being spread on social media regarding the practices of Deputies at the Douglas County Courthouse.
In a news release, the Sheriff's Office says, in cooperation with the County Board of Commissioners, it has been determined facts should be made clear regarding Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) interplay with DCSO courthouse operations.
Misinformation on such an important matter not only does a disservice to the topic itself, but can serve to disrupt court operations and justice.
The release goes on to say everyone in the community is entitled to a safe and efficient justice system.
It also says it is important that defendants, crime victims, and witnesses do not make themselves absent of legal process due to false rumors.
The release includes DCSO’s policies and procedures for courthouse operations:
● The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is tasked with maintaining safety and security at the Douglas County Civic Center / Courthouse complex.
● DCSO deputies and security officers adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards, guided by departmental policy and national accreditation standards.
● DCSO personnel do not check IDs at Civic Center or Courthouse entrances, with the following exceptions: When DSCO may be required to check IDs of employees who need to show work identification to bypass security, individuals who are detained for bringing contraband into the building, or individuals who are being legally detained for a criminal investigation or active warrant. It is a lawful responsibility for a Peace Officer to arrest any individual with a known lawful warrant issued by a judge.
● DCSO court security officers and deputies do not have access to ICE databases, nor do DCSO staff have the legal authority to detain individuals at the courthouse for suspected immigration violations.
● DCSO is aware that ICE agents have been present in the courthouse complex in order to locate known adult criminal offenders. In those situations, DCSO Deputies will not participate in those arrests, but will be present to ensure the overall safety of everyone in the surrounding area. DCSO may be required to participate in an action if the subject has an active warrant signed by a judge, or the individual constitutes a real time public safety or security risk.
● Sheriff Aaron Hanson has communicated with local ICE leadership who have expressed that they have no plans to have a presence in Juvenile courtrooms.
(Picture from Getty Images)