(Washington, D.C.) -- A complaint has now been filed with the FEC by Americans for Public Trust, accusing the group, Patriots Run Project, of secretly putting up spoiler candidates to run against Republicans. The complaint says the group failed to register as a political committee, and failed to file disclosure reports, which is in violation of election laws. The complaint also accuses Patriots Run Project of having Democratic ties; and refers to a published news story reporting the group put up Republican spoiler candidates in Iowa, Nebraska, and several other states.
Joe Wiederien, of rural Scranton, tells iHeartMedia News that he was recruited by the Patriots Run Project to run against Iowa 3rd District U.S. Congressman Zach Nunn (R-Bondurant). Wiederien says the Patriots Run people made it sound like he would be supporting Trump in his run for office. Nunn, who is currently serving his first term in the U.S. House, commended Wiederien for coming forward, during an interview with iHeartMedia talk show host Simon Conway.
"These are the kinds of things we here in Iowa stopped, other states were not so lucky," Nunn said, referring to states including Minnesota and Virginia. "They got these actors on the ballot. All of them were retirees, they were seniors, they were people with mental health issues who didn't know any better," said Nunn, "they manipulated them for their own political gain."
The Run Patriots Project has no online or social media presence that can be found.