Mind-Boggling Optical Illusion Of Horses In River Goes Viral

If you head out on a hike or do just about anything in the wilderness, spotting animals out there in their environment might not be too surprising, but when the animals look like they are happily floating down a river on an invisible raft, it becomes something you definitely want to see. That's what's causing a video of two horses to go viral, but the creatures aren't actually traveling down the the waterway on a boat of their own - it's all just an optical illusion.

Of course, the eye trickery is only causing the clip to be spread even more.

So what's going on in the vid? Well the person who filmed it, Kelli Rogers, explained it all. She told The Sun that she and her granddaughter were paddle boarding on Arizona's Salt River when they encountered two members of a 400-horse herd that roam the area freely. The pair of horses was standing in the shallow water and Kelli filmed them as she and her granddaughter floated by.

When she got home, she watched the footage and realized how bizarre it looked. She said, "It was crazy. It wasn't until I got home and looked at the video that I was like, 'Oh, they look like they're floating.' For those few seconds it gave the illusion that they were the ones floating or paddle boarding, not us."

Plenty of people who watched the clip had things to say. One shocked commenter wrote, "It took me like six times watching to realize that you are floating downstream and they aren't moving," and another stated, "Why did I think these horses were on a raft floating down the river so majestically?"

If you want to see the horses for yourself in person, they live in the Tonto National Forest just outside of Phoenix.

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