Photo: WOWT 6 News
(Lincoln, NE) -- The state marks Indigenous Peoples Day Monday morning with a flag dedication at the capitol for Nebraska's four Native tribes.
Leaders of the Omaha, Ponca, Winnebago and Santee Sioux spoke during the dedication about the significance of the state’s recognition and the importance of having representation. The Nebraska Commission on Indian Affairs says the flags will be displayed in the Warner Legislative Chamber at the Capitol building.
The Nebraska Unicameral's Legislative Bill 848 was first proposed in January 2020 and sought to rename Columbus Day in Nebraska, Indigenous Peoples' Day. It was signed into law on August 15, 2020, officially making the second Monday in October Indigenous Peoples' Day. The holiday is meant to, "recognize the historic, cultural, and contemporary significance of the people indigenous to the lands that are now known as the Americas, including Nebraska, and the many contributions of such people."