2020 Census: Nebraska population increases by over 135,000 in last decade

(Undated) -- Nebraska's population has grown in the last decade.

According to recently released 2020 census data from United States Census Bureau, Nebraska added over 135-thousand residents since the last census was taken in 2010. That makes for a statewide population of just over 1.9 million people. Nebraska currently has 1,961,504 residents compared to 1,826,341 in 2010. That moves Nebraska up to 37th in a list of state's ranked by population.

The change in population isn't enough to add another U.S. Congress member for the state though, which remains unchanged at three.

Thirteen states will have adjusted representations. Texas gains two seats while Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon each gain one. California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia will all lose one seat.

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