Who's ready to get out of Omaha???

The very 1st time I was west of Hastings, I made it all the way to Cheyenne! What an amazing trip! And THEN.... I traveled again and this time to Yellowstone. I've been back several times since then and it never stops leaving me speechless. Amazing.

We have never needed this more. We have never needed to be out in the majesty of our beautiful country. We have lost a year of our life and this is a THE way to shed those memories and replace them with the spectacular sights of the upper west of the USA!

We will fly in to Spokane and make our way via planes, boats, buses and even a wagon train to Salt Lake City. This is the kind of trip that CAN make you forget about this past year and look forward to the next....
Will you join me? See the beauty that awaits click here

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