Omaha's new trash collection misses thousands of homes during first days

Omaha's new trash collection service is hitting a few snags in its first few days on the streets.

The city says FCC Environmental missed 7,500 trash collections in the first three days of service. City leaders say the delays in service have been caused by an increase in those receiving special collection services, construction at Firstar Fiber Recycling, yard waste bags without prepaid stickers and people using old trash cans instead of the new carts.

In a release, the city says FCC will be making some changes to address the issue:

  • Additional trucks will be deployed to increase the number of collection routes.
  • Saturday will be added to the collection schedule this week.
  • Beginning Dec. 3, Under the Sink will be accepting used, empty trash and recycling bins.
  • Additional staff will be on hand to answer calls at the Solid Waste Hotline at 402-444-5238.

The city also says about 1,000 of the 300,000 carts have not been delivered. FCC is continuing to deliver carts each day.

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