Nebraska state and health leaders lay out COVID vaccine distribution plan

Nebraska state and health leaders are laying out the phased distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, once one is made available.

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services says the distribution is broken down into two phases, with those most vulnerable among the first to get the vaccine.

Anticipating a vaccine in the coming months, the CDC released a vaccination interim playbook in September to help guide states on their plans for distribution. The federal government asked that states submit their plan using that guidance by October 16th, and Governor Pete Ricketts says Nebraska met that deadline.

Nebraska’s plan is a “living draft,” meaning that state officials expect to make revisions as more information becomes available, according to Angela Ling, incident commander at the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.

Phase 1 distribution will utilize Nebraska’s existing “Vaccines for Children" provider network, made up of healthcare providers, local health departments, federally qualified health centers, community-based clinics, and tribal healthcare and hospitals, she said. “We expect that vaccine supply will be limited early on, and initial doses will go to healthcare personnel and critical populations,” Ling said.

Vaccinated in Phase 1A: healthcare personnel, hospitals, emergency rooms, long-term care staff, urgent care, and primary care access points.

Vaccinated in Phase 1B: residents of long-term care facilities, people ages 65 and older, people with certain underlying medical conditions, essential critical infrastructure workers (which can vary by local jurisdictions), and vulnerable and congregant populations.

As vaccine supply increases, more people will be able to receive it, and more healthcare providers will be given access to order and administer the vaccine and related supplies, Ling said. “DHHS has worked to ensure that inclusion, transparency, and a sound evidence-base are the foundation of our plan,” she said.

No date has yet been given on when to expect vaccination doses to arrive, she said. “But when we do, our goal is to ensure fair and equitable access and distribute the vaccine in a way that provides the most protection for Nebraskans as quickly as possible.”

(Photo by Getty Images)

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