Increased Law Enforcement Presence As Holiday Weekend Approaches

With the help of grants from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, statewide special enforcements are happening as the Labor Day holiday weekend approaches, with a special focus on cracking down on impaired drivers.

On Friday night alone, Papillion Police arrested four drunk drivers.

On a typical weekend night in Papio, they usually arrest one or two people for DUI’s.

"Its frustrating; you see people tossing beer cans out of the car. You can smell alcohol or you can smell marijuana. So it’s frustrating, and we wish we had more people to help,” Papillion Police Officer Brian Malone tells 6 News.

“We typically see a wide range of people. It’s people who are underage or people who are repeat offenders. It’s usually simple things like traffic offenses that lead us to speak to those individuals,” says Officer Malone.

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