Westside Schools shift to 50% attendance as COVID-19 cases rise

Westside Community Schools announced Tuesday that they will have 50 percent of students attend school in-person for the first two weeks of classes August 18th to September 4th. The district says the decision follows guidance from local medical experts.

In a statement, Superintendent Mike Lucas explained the district’s “green” status has been changed to “yellow” as the COVID-19 infection rate in the community “is still too high to safely open schools in a traditional format.”

“We are officially updating our back-to-school status, as of today, to ‘YELLOW'” Lucas stated.

On Monday, Omaha Public Schools called off the rest of its summer activities and canceled plans for the Class of 2020 commencement ceremony. Monday night, the Papillion-La Vista Community Schools board of education approved its back-to-school plan.

According to the district, each day roughly 50% of students will be in attendance in-person while the other half will be connecting virtually. Students will be assigned into two groups based on the first letter of their last names.

Families of students with different or multiple last names may contact their building principal by 5 p.m. August 5th to determine which group their student will be assigned to.

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