City, County Leaders Approve Repealing Affirmative Action Ban

The Omaha City Council and Douglas County Board are calling for voters to decide if affirmative action should return to Nebraska.

Both the council and board approved measures Tuesday asking the state legislature to have voters decide the fate of an affirmative action ban.

Nebraska voters approved a ballot measure in 2008 that prohibits practices such as affirmative action, which improves job and educational opportunities for minority groups.

“It levels the playing field which should have been done a long time ago. It doesn’t give black or brown people a serious advantage. It levels the playing field,” said Omaha City Councilman Ben Gray. “I know there will be some elected officials who will have heartburn about trying to do this because of their constituencies. They’ll say no. My question is what are you going to say yes to. The practice of saying no -- that day is over.”

Only one person spoke in opposition to the repeal as the county board approved the resolution 4 to 2 Tuesday. The City Council also approved repealing in a 5 to 1 vote.

Councilman Brinker Harding voted no on the resolution. His comments focused on a study that said race-conscious programs don’t heal. Other opponents called affirmative action reverse discrimination.

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