Metro Hospitals Continue to See An Upward Trend In Covid-19 Admissions

Covid-19 coronavirus cases leading to hospitalizations are trending up in the Omaha-Council Bluffs metro, according to the latest numbers from the "Omaha Metropolitan Healthcare Coalition."

Here are the numbers for coronavirus inpatients and "persons under investigation" at the hospitals within the coalition, which covers Douglas, Sarpy, Washington, Saunders, and Dodge Counties, plus two in Pottawattamie County:

· 5/26/2020: 141 total inpatients diagnosed with COVID-19; 42 COVID-19 PUIs; 99 Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds were available out of 403 staffed beds.

· 5/19/2020: 137 total inpatients diagnosed with COVID-19; 43 coronavirus PUIs; 111 Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds were available out of 417 staffed beds.

· 5/12/2020: 108 total inpatients diagnosed with COVID-19; 37 COVID-19 PUIs; 124 Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds were available out of 420 staffed beds.

· 5/5/2020: 74 total inpatients diagnosed with COVID-19; 41 COVID-19 PUIs; 136 Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds were available out of 384 staffed beds.

Health care providers and county health departments continue to stress the importance of social distancing, good hygiene and wearing a mask.

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