Drug Take Back Day Set For Saturday

Check your medicine cabinets for any expired, unused or unwanted medications. Saturday is Prescription Drug Take Back Day and you will be able to drop them off with no questions asked at various locations around the metro area.

For the first time vaping devices and cartridges will be accepted. Liquids, needles or any other sharp objects won’t be accepted.

The collection times will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In the metro area you can drop off medications at Hy-Vee stores near 90th and West Center Road, 132nd and Dodge, 156th and West Maple, 178th Street near Marcy and 73rd and Highway 370.

You can also stop by Walgreens stores at 132nd and West Center Road, 84th and Harrison, 30th and Lake, 24th and Vinton and 535 East Broadway in Council Bluffs.

Collection sites also will be set up at the La Vista Police Department and the Bellevue Police Department

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