Omaha residents voiced their opinions on a proposed new solid waste contract during Tuesday's city council meeting. Most of the people in attendance didn't have good things to say.
More than 25 people voiced opposition to the new contract proposed by Mayor Jean Stothert. The reasons ranged from the garbage cans being too big to disappointment over the end of unlimited yard waste collection.
"I have a two-car garage and a lot of trees and I don't know where I'm going to go with the cans. Where do I put these? I don't want to drive around the streets and see them out everywhere," Omaha resident Bill Meier said.
"Cost is more than dollars and cents. It's our well being, our humanity and our environment," said Amber Posch The city has selected picked a two 96 gallon cart base service that costs $8 million more than the current contract. One would be for yard waste and trash mixed together and the other for recyclables.
Recycling would be collected every other week. "We recommended FCC Environmental because of the base service for everyone, plus new options for those who want to separate yard waste at no cost and some at a small cost," Mayor Stothert says. "Will our service be different in 2021? Yes. Change is hard. But change is necessary. Our current contract will expire."
The deal has been deemed the lowest and best offer by the city. The city council could vote as early as next week on the contract. The target date for any changes is 2021.