Last month's historic floods have left many metro parks along the banks of the Missouri River with lasting damage and while some are already showing signs of recovery, all that flooding will make an impact on park calendars. Meaning it could be quite a while before riverside parks are ready for visitors.
Bellevue’s Haworth Park is still underwater, so officials say don’t expect any events or any camping there for some time. Upstream though, things don’t look so bad at Rivers Edge Park in Council Bluffs. That park has bounced back because it was designed to handle the high water.
Council Bluffs Mayor Matt Walsh told 6 News, “Because it was built on the wet side of the levee we anticipated it would have some flooding. The field is crowned. The water sheds off it after a flooding event. It’s planted with trees that should be able to sustain short-term duration underwater and at this point we’re pleased the grass is turning green and the trees have buds on them. So while it was underwater for 10 days or so, it looks like it’s going to survive.”
Work crews are cleaning the park but Walsh says they won’t be in a big hurry to finish the job. “There are some indications that there may be additional flooding to come, snow melt in the mountains. So rather than do it two or three times were going to let it sit for a while.”
Mayor Walsh says the city will have to reschedule some events planned for the park. He’s hoping some late summer events will be able to go on as scheduled but that all depends on Mother Nature. The mayor said an announcement should be coming soon about the plans for Loessfest scheduled for Memorial Day.
Bellevue officials have already cancelled the Bar-B-Que competition scheduled to take place at Riverfest. All other Riverfest activities will go on as scheduled at American Heroes Park.