State Patrol Lends A Helping Hand From Above

The impacts of recent flooding hard to take in from the ground, and it's even more astounding from the sky.

The Nebraska State Patrol took 6 News on an exclusive ride-along through the air while they assessed flood damage in the Omaha area.

NSP aviator Brian Petersen took 6 News on a flight over the West Dodge and Elkhorn area, then over by Offutt Air Force Base and Camp Ashland. "This is a tough time for folks, what they are going through. The devastation with loss and of personal property and dwelling. So, it's important we can relieve and have the most suited best as we can."

Petersen says NSP 's Aviation Support Division completed several rescues over the last few days and day after day, the aviators have made a number of life-saving deliveries. "Because of the devastation and the fact the roads aren't travelable... We have the real time to move valuable support to medical facilities."

The NSP pilots also stream real-time video to the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency and the state emergency operations center that will help with assessments and to identify where support is needed.

As the flood waters recede, pilots will have their work cut out for them in the days to come.

(Photo courtesy of 6 News)

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