Corp Continues To Reduce Flows From Gavins Point

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says releases from Gavins Point Dam were reduced to 53,000 cubic feet per second Sunday morning and will be further reduced to 43,000 cfs Sunday evening.

Releases from Fort Randall Dam, upstream from Gavins Point Dam, have been reduced to 4,500 cfs. The travel time from Fort Randall Dam to Gavins Point is about 36 hours.

Northwestern Division Commander Brig. Gen. D. Peter Helmlinger visited Omaha Sunday to inspect the situation firsthand and to see the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ response to requests for assistance from the affected states.

“We are not at a loss for Corps personnel who have raised their hands to be a part of the flood fight. Corps employees are providing assistance when needed. I know there are people suffering terrible loss, and our hearts are with you,” said Helmlinger.

The National Weather service is forecasting that the Missouri River at Omaha, as well several unregulated downstream tributaries, have passed their crests but very high flows and stages remain throughout the basin south of Sioux City.

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