Douglas County Sheriff's Office Says Be Flood Prepared

Th e Douglas County Sheriff's Office sent out this information regarding the possibility of flooding:

This message is to provide notice for our community and to provide planning time for residents to make preparations and plans if water levels along area rivers reaches flood levels. This can include the Missouri River, Elkhorn and Platte Rivers as well as area creeks and tributaries.

The planning and preparation can include plans for alternate transportation, personal care and potential voluntary evacuation.

The current and predicted weather conditions which include warmer temperatures and heavy rain over the next 24-36 hours create conditions that make area flooding very probable.

Key officials from multiple agencies are coordinating and working together to monitor river levels and develop a response based on the conditions created by forecasted weather. Information updates will be shared with local media outlets, social media and local government websites.

If you choose to voluntary evacuate, please make arrangements to take family pets with you or make arrangements with the NE Humane Society.

Special consideration should be given to care for or evacuate livestock from any areas that may be impacted by flooding.

This is just a reminder that area rivers are expected to flood and residents are asked to start preparing and planning for localized flooding.

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