Thursday, March 7, 2019
Type: Schools
- AHSTW Community School District Closed Thursday
- Arlington Public Closed Thursday
- Arlington, St. Paul Lutheran Closed Thursday
- Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools Closed Thursday
- Atlantic CSD Opening Late 2 hours Today
- Bellevue Public Schools Closed Thursday
- Bennington Closed Thursday
- Brownell Talbot Closed Thursday
- Cedar Bluffs Closed Thursday
- Concordia Lutheran Schools Closed Thursday
- Council Bluffs Public Schools Closed Thursday
- Cornerstone Christian Closed Thursday
- DC West Closed Thursday
- Dodge Co. Head Start Closed Thursday
- Elkhorn Closed Thursday
- Essex Closed Thursday
- ESU #2 Independent School Closed Thursday
- ESU #3 Closed Thursday
- Fremont Public Closed Thursday
- Fremont Mills Opening Late 90 minutes Thursday
- Friedel Jewish Academy Closed Thursday
- Gethsemane Lutheran Closed Thursday
- Glenwood Community Schools Closed Thursday
- Good Shepherd Lutheran Closed Thursday
- Gretna Closed Thursday
- Griswold CSD Opening Late 2 hours Today
- Harlan Community School District Opening Late 2 hours Today
- Heartland Christian CB Closed Thursday
- Howells-Dodge Closed Thursday
- Iowa School for the Deaf Closed Thursday
- Kids and Co., Council Bluffs Closed Thursday
- La Bella Vita Montessori School Opening Late 3 hours Thursday: All Locations
- Legacy School Closed Thursday
- Lewis Central Closed Thursday
- Lifegate Christian School Closed Thursday: Preschool Too
- Lincoln Public Schools Closed Thursday
- Logan Magnolia Closed Thursday
- Louisville Closed Thursday: All Activities Canceled
- Mead Closed Thursday
- Millard Public Closed Thursday
- Missouri Valley Schools Closed Thursday: All Locations
- Montessori Educational Centers Opening Late at 10:00 AM Thursday
- Omaha Catholic Closed Thursday
- Omaha Christian Academy Closed Thursday: NO CHILDCARE
- Omaha Public Schools Closed Thursday: Including Kids Club and all after school activities
- Palmyra Schools Closed Thursday
- Papillion-La Vista Closed Thursday
- Phoenix Academy Closed Thursday
- Plattsmouth Closed Thursday
- Quest Forward Academy Closed Thursday
- Ralston Public Closed Thursday
- Raymond Central Closed Thursday
- Red Oak Delayed 2 hours Thursday
- Riverside Closed Thursday
- Schuyler Closed Thursday
- Shelby County Catholic Opening Late 2 hours Thursday
- Sidney, IA Delayed 90 minutes Thursday
- South Page CSD Delayed 90 minutes Thursday
- Springfield Platteview Community Schools Closed Thursday
- St. Albert CB Closed Thursday: Includes St. Albert Kidz Kare and Early Childhood Center
- St. Bernard School Closed Thursday: All Activities Canceled
- St. John the Baptist Catholic School Closed Thursday
- St. Mary's School, Bellevue Closed Thursday
- St. Matthew's School, Bellevue Closed Thursday
- St. Patrick's School, Elkhorn Closed Thursday
- St. Paul, Omaha Closed Thursday
- St. Wenceslaus Catholic School Closed Thursday
- Stanton Community Opening Late 2 hours Thursday
- Sword of the Spirit Closed Thursday
- Syracuse Closed Thursday
- Tekamah-Herman Closed Thursday
- Treynor Closed Thursday
- Tri-Center CSD Closed Thursday
- Trinity Lutheran School, Fremont Closed Thursday
- Underwood Community Schools Closed Thursday
- West Harrison Closed Thursday
- Westside Community Schools Closed Thursday
- Woodbine Community Schools Opening Late 2 hours Thursday
- Yutan Closed Thursday
Type: College
- Clarkson College Opening Late at 10:00 AM Thursday
- College of Saint Mary Classes canceled until 12:00 PM
- Creative Center Art College: Classes will start at 1:00 PM Thursday
- Iowa Western community College Opening late at 10:00 AM
- Metro Community College Opening late at 12:00 PM
- Midland University Closed Thursday
- Neb. Methodist College Closed Thursday
- UNO Classes canceled until 12:00 PM: Employees report at regularly scheduled time
Type: Government
- Carter Lake Snow Emergency
- Council Bluffs Snow Emergency: Parking Ban until 4:00 PM Thursday.
- Fremont Snow Emergency
- Gretna Sanitation Closed Thursday
- Gretna Snow Emergency through 6:00 PM Thursday. No vehicles are to be parked on streets at any time during emergency declaration.
- La Vista City Hall Opening Late at 10:00 AM Thursday: Senior Programs at Community Center Canceled
- La Vista Public Library Opening Late at 12:00 PM Thursday
- MCC Sarpy Center Opening Late at 12:00 PM Thursday
- Papillion Sanitation Closed Thursday: Service Delayed One Day
- Papillion Snow Emergency effective through 6:00 PM Thursday. Residents are asked not to park on the street.
- Sarpy County government and administrative offices open at 10:00 AM Thursday. This does not include the courts, which will operate as scheduled.
- Sarpy County Snow Emergency through 6:00 PM Thursday. During this time, residents are asked to move any parked vehicles off the street.
- Yutan Snow Emergency until 5:00 PM Thursday.
Type: Business
- ABC Childcare & Preschool of Bellevue Opening Late at 10:00 AM
- Alleluia Preschool Closed Thursday: All Locations
- Bellevue Family Practice Opening Late at 10:00 AM Thursday
- Bloom Dance Studio Opening Late at 4:30 PM Thursday: No Morning Classes
- CHI Health Cardiac Pulmonary Rehab canceled Thursday
- Children's Discovery Center Opening Late at 10:00 AM Thursday
- Completely KIDS Closed Thursday
- DSN Labor Solutions Closed Thursday
- Fremont Friendship Center Closed Thursday
- GBT Children's Academy Closed Thursday
- Hearth Academy Preschool Closed Thursday
- Heartland Conservatory of Dance Closed Thursday
- Heartland Family Service offices opening at 12:00 PM
- Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium Opening Late at 12:00 PM Thursday: All Educational Programming Canceled
- Immanuel, Mercy Partial Programs canceled Thursday
- Immanuel Pathways Southwest Iowa Closed Thursday. Staff report at 10:00 AM.
- Jennie Edmunson Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehab Closed Thursday
- Jennie's House Child Development Center Opening Late at 10:30 AM Thursday
- Joslyn Art Museum Opening Late at 11:00 AM Thursday
- Kiddie Kollege Preschool Closed Thursday
- Kids Can Community Center Closed Thursday
- Kids Place Childcare Closed Thursday
- King of Kings Preschool & Childcare Closed Thursday
- Learning For All Closed Thursday: All Locations
- Methodist Pulmonary Rehab Closed Thursday
- Midwest Allergy & Asthma Clinic, P.C. Opening Late at 9:00 AM Thursday
- Montessori Learning Center of Dundee Closed Thursday
- My Masters Treasures Day Care Closed Thursday
- Olive Crest Childcare and Preschool Closed Thursday
- Papillion Montessori Preschool Opening Late 2 hours Thursday
- Pediatric Therapy Center Opening Late at 10:00 AM Thursday
- Preferred Marketing Associates Opening Late 1 hour Thursday
- Radical Minds Closed Thursday
- Sarpy Head Start Closed Thursday
- Stair Steps to Victory Closed Thursday
- Universal College of Healing Arts Closed Thursday
- Watson & Carroll PC, LLO Closed Thursday
Type: Church
- Emanuel Lutheran Church Closed Thursday
- Covenant Presbyterian Church Closed Thursday: All Activities Canceled
- Lutheran Church of the Master Activity Canceled Thursday
- Salem Baptist Church Closed Thursday: All Activities Canceled
- St. Mark Lutheran Preschool Closed Thursday
- St. Patrick's Parish Offices, Elkhorn Closed Thursday
- St. Paul Lutheran Preschool, Treynor Closed Thursday
- St. Paul United Methodist Church and Child Development Center Closed Thursday
- Thanksgiving Lutheran Church Activity Canceled Thursday: All Activities Canceled
Type: Organization
- Aging Partners Senior Centers in Lincoln and Lancaster County Closed Thursday
- Autism Center of Nebraska Closed Thursday
- Douglas County 24/7 Sobriety Program: No morning testing
- Eastern Nebraska Office On Aging: No Meals on Wheels deliveries and senior centers closed Thursday
- Heart Ministry Center Closed Thursday
- Latino Center of the Midlands Opening Late at 1:00 PM Thursday
- Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska Opening Late at 10:00 AM Thursday
- Metro Transit: All bus routes currently on snow routes. MOBY paratransit is running slow due to slick streets.
- Ollie Webb Center, Omaha Closed Thursday: All Activities Canceled
- Omaha Early Learning Centers (OELC) Closed Thursday
- Women's Center for Advancement Opening Late at 10:00 AM Thursday