Wife Of Uta Halee Gunman Got Protection Order The Day Before

A man who shot his way through the front door of the Uta Halee Academy administration building Friday before shooting and killing himself is identified as 37-year-old Matthew Lesley.

Lesley was in search of his wife, a staff member at Uta Halee who was not there on Friday. Court records show Lesley and his wife were in court on Thursday, the day before the shooting. She obtained a protection order against her husband and claimed he was abusive. The protection order specifically said Lesley should stay away from Uta Halee.

The couple had been going through a divorce and Lesley's wife had been staying with a family member. Court records dictate a history of relentless messages and destructive and threatening domestic disturbances. Lesley's wife said in the protection order that he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and did not properly treat his condition.

On Friday night several officers served a warrant at Lesley's house near 81st and Harrison in Ralston to look for anything that might aid in the investigation.

Neighbors said it wasn't the first time police have visited the home. "They were here a week ago, but I guess something went down that night and that's how I kind of, what made me put two and two together when I saw the shotting and then they were here wrapping everything off and I'm like, please no," neighbor James Boehm told 6 News.

Boehm said Lesley seemed like an average guy. "I would never have thought... he was the nicest guy. You'd walk inside and he'd be out doing whatever, talking. He was friendly, would help you out."

Other neighbors agreed. "I have his ladder in my house from, like, replacing some ceiling fans. he was a great neighbor, so it's kind of a shock it went down like this," Brittany Brown told 6 News.

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