Many Bars & Restaurants Yet To Pay 2019 Permit Fee

A reminder to all restaurant and bar owners in Douglas County - 2019 permits are due Monday. 

Douglas County Health Department's Joe Gaube is the director of the supervisor of the Retail Food Program at the Douglas County Health Department and says invoices have been sent to all businesses.  About one in four have not yet obtained their 2019 permit.

Gaube says, "2018 Retail Food Permits expire on December 31st.  On New Year's Day, if they have not paid for their 2019 permits, they are actually operating illegally without a valid permit." 

Gaube says December is a busy month but they are encouraging owners to come in as soon as possible to pay their permit fees.  Operating without a permit is a violation and they could be subject to a fine if they are open on January 1st without the proper paperwork. 

Business owners who have questions are encouraged to contact the Health Department by calling 402-444-7488.   

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