The Nebraska Humane Society is reminding pet owners that it's still too soon to get rid of flea and tick collars and medications.
In fact, Pam Wiese with the NHS tells 6 News that this may be the most important time of year to treat pets. "Fleas and ticks are a year-round nuisance, and fall is actually a terrible season. That's because these pesky parasites go into hiding, but don't go away."
Leaf piles can be a haven for fleas, which like to congregate in humid areas and out of the sun. The NHS recommends raking leaves regularly and disposing of them in s secure trash bag to avoid housing the pests.
Ticks like to hide in tall grass and trees, so officials recommend continuing to mow grass regularly through the fall and trimming back trees so that the tiny nuisance can't climb aboard pets or people walking by.
Wiese says feeding pets outdoors can also encourage fleas and ticks to wait by food and water bowls that they recognize as high traffic areas. "If possible, remove food and water bowls after your pet uses them and before nighttime. Raccoons and possums are opportunistic feeders and will eat or drink anything left out. They also are frequently teeming with ticks and fleas."
NHS said that visiting a veterinarian for advice on preventative medications and how to use them is the best way to be prepared.