The Nebraska State Patrol says hazardous device technicians safely destroyed two potentially dangerous explosive devices found this week.
The first device was located by the owners of a farm near Odell. While cleaning out an out-building on the farm, they discovered a World War II era rocket. The second device was located in Hastings by workers at Hastings City Iron and Metal. The device was a 40 millimeter grenade.
Both devices were reported to NSP on Wednesday, September 19. Troopers with the NSP Bomb Squad responded to both situations and rendered each device safe by use of a counter charge. X-ray examination was unable to determine with certainty that the devices did not contain explosive filler, so they were both treated as if they contained live explosive material.
“Any explosive device can be extremely dangerous, especially old devices that may have lost stability over the years,” said Lt. Jim DeFreece, Commander of the NSP Bomb Squad. “If you ever find any type of explosive item like this, report it to law enforcement immediately.”