Omaha Fire Department To Hold 9/11 Remembrance

The Omaha Fire Department will pause with the rest of the country Tuesday morning to remember the nearly 3,000 people who were killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks 17 years ago.

The department will be having a minute long moment of silence at 9:11 a.m. at all of their fire stations in Omaha.   Department spokesman Scott Fitzpatrick says they are asking citizens to come and join them. "We're not the only ones that went through this at 9/11.  We see it from a different aspect with 343 New York firefighters that died, but we know everybody in the community went through 9/11 together," Fitzpatrick says.

He says each fire truck will have their emergency lights on as they observe the moment of silence.  After it's over, citizens can stick around and visit with the firefighters.     

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