Mountain Lion Killed in Western Nebraska

Nebraska Game and Parks Commission officials have confirmed that a female mountain lion was killed by a landowner north of Hay Springs in Sheridan County.

The landowner told officials that he had witnessed the mountain lion killing his chickens, so he shot and killed the ten month-old mountain lion. The man immediately reported the incident to Game and Parks in accordance with state law. Staff wildlife and law enforcement officials collected the carcass.

Sam Wilson, the Carnivore Program Manager for Game and Parks, says the landowner actions were lawful. “State law allows livestock owners to kill a mountain lion immediately if it is in the process of stalking, killing, or consuming livestock on their property."

This is the fifth confirmed case of livestock depredation in Nebraska by a mountain lion since the species’ confirmed presence in the state in 1991. In addition to the latest case, the confirmations consist of a calf in Blaine County in 2014, a calf in Sheridan County in 2017, two goats in Dawes County in 2017, and one goat in Dawes County last month.

In June, Game and Parks commissioners approved a hunting season for mountain lions in the Pine Ridge that aims to lower mountain lion densities in a response to public concerns and Commission research. That hunting season is scheduled January 1st through February 28th, 2019.

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