Death Penalty Decision For Garcia In September

A three-judge panel that will decide whether convicted killer Anthony Garcia should be put to death will reconvene in September. 

A death penalty hearing for Garcia's sentencing was held in June. Garcia sat slumped in a wheel chair with his eyes closed for the hearing. District Court Judge Gary Randall of Douglas County, District Court Judge W. Russell Bowie of Douglas County and District Judge Rick Schreiner of Gage County will decide if Garcia will get life in prison or the death penalty.

Garcia will learn his fate on September 14th.  In 2016 Garcia was convicted in the 2008 deaths of Thomas Hunter, the 11-year-old son of Creighton University Medical Center pathologist Dr. William Hunter and the family's housekeeper, Shirlee Sherman, as well as the 2013 deaths of Creighton pathologist Dr. Roger Brumback and his wife Mary.

Prosecutors described the crimes as revenge killings against Creighton University doctors who fired Garcia more than a decade ago.

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