Game & Parks Family Fishing Night Is Thursday

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is holding a Family Fishing Night on Thursday, July 12th at Halleck Park Lake in Papillion.

Outdoor Education specialist Larry Pate says, "If they are beginners we teach them from the beginning on how to fish and if they are a little more advanced we just help them get going for the day.  Supply them with loaner tackle and bait and get them on the way to fishing."

Pate says it is a very popular family activity.  He says that many parents grew up fishing and now they want to pass that tradition down to the next generation.  That is what this event is all about. 

People of all ages who have never fished or have not fished in years are invited to attend and learn.  Rods, reels and bait will be provided along with instruction. 

Pate says Governor Pete Ricketts will also attend the event.  Ricketts attended last year and Pate says, "He was just right there helping get fish off the hooks and baiting hooks.  He was just the jump in and get it done kind of fella." 

The event runs from 6 until 8 p.m.  Governor Ricketts is expected to arrive at 7 p.m.  Those 16 and older are required to have fishing permits.  Halleck Park Lake is located at 600 E. Halleck Street.  

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