Some residents in Arlington are crying foul when it comes to building a large chicken grow farm to support Costco's new chicken processing plant near Fremont. Sarah Bosshart's property is next to a proposed site that is located three miles north of Arlington.
Bosshart says, "We pulled up a satellite and map and there are 80 to 100 homes and people that are going to be affected by this chicken farm. They are talking about four buildings with 43,000 birds each. Anytime one of these large commercial chicken farms comes in it brings down the property values for the neighbors. There are water issues. There are so many toxins that come from it. People are in fear for their children."
The proposed site is located about a mile from a church and school and about 1 1/2 miles north is Camp Fontanelle that hosts up to 8,000 children a year for activities and events.
Bosshart says Washington County does not have zoning or ordinances to prevent any of these large chicken operations locating near schools and homes. The group plans to take their concerns to the Washington County Board meeting on April 5th. Bosshart says, "Yes, we want to fight this one not going in because it is such a populated area. We also want Washington County to get some ordinances so all of the county doesn't have these chicken plants near housing developments." She the county must come up with regulations to prevent dozens more from getting permits.
Six conditional permits have been granted pending the outcome of that April 5th meeting. Those locations include the one near Arlington, two near Herman, Telbasta and two near Blair.
Those for or against the chicken grow facilities can voice their opinion at that April 5th meeting at the Washington County Courthouse. The meeting starts at 7 p.m.