Papio-La Vista School Board To Vote On School Safety Bond

School safety is on the minds of the Papillion La Vista Community Schools Board of Education.

The board will vote Monday night to approve a $109.9 million bond that would be placed on May primary ballot. The bond includes projects that improve safety and security, which weighs heavy on the minds of parents and educators in today's current climate. The bond also helps the district to better serve a growing student population.

Proposed improvements to safety and security would include making sure all classrooms have doors with locks, as well as establishing a line of sight from the office to the front door in all schools. The plans also call for enhancing security by adding controlled access entryways at seven schools. 

The bond would also expand the high schools to include a 9th grade wing, flexible learning space for fine arts and additional PE classroom space. It also proposes including the expansion of the current elementary schools and building an entirely new elementary school.


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