OPS Board $409.9 Million Bond issue

The Omaha Public School board is moving forward with a $409.9 bond issue that voters will likely vote on in May.  The board voted Monday night to approve the project list, which would include  two new elementary schools, a middle school and two high schools, at 60th and L and 156th and Ida.

There would also be upgrades to many existing buildings, including new boilers and roofs, and additional classroom space in other schools.   

These projects are part of the district's second phase to upgrade schools,  which began with a $421 million bond issue in 2014.  The board still has to sign-off on the actual ballot language before going on the May primary ballot.

The bonds would increase the OPS tax levy by about 7 cents, meaning the owner of a $200,000 home would pay an additional $140 annually in property taxes.

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