Department Of Transportation Looking For Witty Safety Messages

The Nebraska Department of Transportation wants to display residents' wit and wisdom in “Friday Safety Messages” via electronic message boards along Nebraska’s interstates and highways. 

A new safety message runs for 24 hours every Friday from 12:00 AM Friday to 12:00 AM Saturday on overhead message boards to remind motorists to consider all aspects of driving and safety. Many of these short safety snippets have tied in with holidays or special events, such as the Olympics, current events, back-to-school or sports.

Some of the messages used in previous years include Thanksgiving-time reminder to “BE A GOOD POTATO, KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD” or Star Wars themed message “JOIN THE REBELLION AGAINST DISTRACTED DRIVING.”

People submitting messages are encouraged to consider topics about safe driving, including tie-ins with holidays and upcoming events through May. Submissions need to be three lines of text, with a maximum eighteen characters per line and spaces count.

Submissions are being accepted through January 31st on the Department of Transportation's website.

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