Metropolitan Utilities District Cold Weather Tips

With extremely cold weather expected for the New Year’s weekend and beyond, Metropolitan Utilities District encourages customers to follow these tips to stay warm and help ensure the safe and reliable use of home heating equipment:

M-U-D recommends having all gas appliances, heating systems, chimney and venting systems inspected by a qualified contractor.  Units may have a difficult time maintaining the temperature set on your thermostat based on its capacity and other factors.  If your system isn’t working correctly contact your heating contractor.

Other tips include changing or cleaning the filter, making sure all flues, ducts and vents attached to appliances and heating systems are clear of obstructions.  Make sure you have a working smoke and CO detector inside your house and the batteries are fresh.  Do not use gas ovens to heat a room and if you smell gas leave your home flash.  Get everyone out of the building or area. From a safe location, call our 24-hour emergency line at 402.554.7777 or 911. There is no charge to check gas leaks.

Other cold weather tips include when water freezes it expands  You can help prevent frozen pipes or broken water lines by allowing heat to circulate around meters and pipes located near outside walls, in cabinets or other enclosed areas.  Fill cracks in doors, windows and walls near water meters and pipes. Where previous freeze-ups have been a problem, a slight trickle of water from the faucet may keep a pipe from freezing.

If you are going to be gone for an extended period M-U-D recommends keeping the furnace on but at a lower setting.  Have someone run all faucets daily to reduce the risk of frozen pipes.  You can also turn off water at the meter or where it enters the home.  This reduces the likelihood of further damage from running water if the system is not drained and freezing occurs.  Drain all pipes, toilets and water lines to be completely safe. 

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