U.S. Senate Confirms Steve Grasz To 8th Circuit

The U.S. Senate confirmed Steve Grasz to be the United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit today. 

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse stated, "“The end of a long process in the Senate is just the beginning of a new chapter in Steve’s distinguished record of public service for Nebraska and the nation. Nebraskans will have a voice on the Eighth Circuit committed to an impartial and independent judiciary - someone who understands that judges don’t write laws. At every step during this process, from his interview back in Nebraska to his hearing in the Judiciary Committee, Steve’s humility, integrity, and experience were clear. As a member of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, I join Nebraskans across the political spectrum in wishing Steve the best in his new calling.”

Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer released this statement after the Senate voted to confirm Grasz. 

“Steve Grasz exemplifies the qualities the American people seek in a judge: keen intellect, even judicial temperament, and steadfast commitment to the rule of law. By confirming Steve today, the U.S. Senate is helping to install on the Eighth Circuit a capable jurist who has earned bipartisan respect and admiration from those who know him best. Senator Sasse and I were pleased to work closely with Steve throughout his confirmation process and I wish him well during what I’m sure will be a long and dedicated career of service to our country.”

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