Vandals Target Senator Fisher's Omaha Office

Omaha Police are investigating an act of vandalism at the Miracle Hills office of Nebraska Senator Deb Fisher.  Sergeant Mark Noonan says a substance that appears to be blood was splattered on the front door of Fischer's Omaha office sometime early Wednesday morning.

Officers were sent to the scene to investigate shortly after 7 a.m. when the building manager discovered it.  Noonan says the substance "looks" like blood but they won't be able to confirm exactly what it is until a Crime Lab team takes a look.  Investigators believe it happened between 5:30 and 7 a.m. 

A Betsy Riot sticker was attached to the door next to the red streaks and also on the sign outside Fisher's office.

The protest group was linked to a similar incident at Fischer's Lincoln office earlier this month.

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