In the wake of the London Bridge tragedy where pedestrians were mowed down by a van, additional safety steps are being taken to better protect College World Series fans walking to and from TD Ameritrade Park.
Omaha Police Captain Adam Kyle says several twelve foot long, 4,000 pound concrete barriers are being placed around the stadium. "Considering what is going on in the world, and the state of things, we're foolish if we don't do something and so we're doing a lot."
Kyle says they placed the jersey curbs, or barriers, around the stadium with the goal of preventing vehicles from getting onto sidewalks. "At the very least, what it's gonna prevent, is a vehicle getting onto the sidewalk and then continually mowing people down, where we can't even react quickly to that."
The barriers came at no cost thanks to the Nebraska Department of Roads, who lent the city barriers that they were not using.