Creighton Standout Declares For NBA Draft

Creighton basketball standout and Omaha native Justin Patton has announced he will forego the rest of his college career to pursue his dream of playing in the NBA.

The Big East 2016 Freshman of the Year is applying to the NBA draft, meaning he will have to give up his final three season of eligibility with the Bluejays to chase his dream. 

At a press conference Thursday, Patton said he doesn't know where the future will take him, but he has to put himself out there. "I don't know what the outcome's gonna be. I dunno if I'm gonna be a legend or I'm gonna be a bust, but I'm gonna work my hardest to be the best."

Creighton coach Greg McDermott says Patton has his full support in applying for the draft. "While I'd love to coach him some more, I certainly understand his decision and support his decision."

McDermott says that Patton has grown immensely in his few short years at Creighton. "The amount of progress he's made in less than two years when he first arrived on campus, is like nothing I've ever seen."

Patton says that his dream has come with hardships and stress, but is ready now to make the jump from collegiate ball to the pros. "It's a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and I'm blessed to be in this situation and I feel great now."

McDermott expects Patton to be a first round draft pick. 

The 2017 NBA Draft will take place on June 22nd in New York City.

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