Omaha Police Unveil New Training Simulator

Omaha Police now have a new virtual-reality training simulator that allows officers to be immersed in more than 170 dangerous and potentially deadly scenarios.

The VirTra V300 was purchased with money from the department’s budget at a cost of $232,041. The five-screen system provides a 300 degree virtual environment to better train officers for shoot-don't shoot situations.

The new simulator has improved sound, an elevated platform, a breach door and approximately 177 scenarios.  The officers can train in the most difficult real-life situations, including ambushes, hostage situations and active shooters while maintaining full situational awareness during extreme stress. 

Officer communication skills training, de-escalation, Taser, and deadly force are all available using standard-issue weapons that shoot compressed gas.  

The V300 will be available for use by OPD officers, citizen’s academy attendees, Citizen Review Board members and those who wish to understand the split-second decisions police officers experience.

One of the scenarios relies on the officers use of Spanish commands.  That scenario is captured in the video.

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