More Staff Assaults at the Tecumseh State Prison

Four staff members at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution were assaulted today by inmates.  Two of the staff required medical attention.  This happened in housing unit 2B at 1 p.m. 

As a result of the incident on March 2nd, housing unit 2AB was on modified operations. Immediately prior to the assaults today, four inmates had been allowed out of their cells; some for the purpose of cleaning after their cells had been flooded and others for their meal.  The cause of the flooding was from toilets that had been plugged. Unit 2B houses 43 inmates. 

Staff who were assaulted and staff who responded used physical force to stop the assaults and subdue the inmates. Those inmates involved in the assaults and others on the unit made threats regarding additional assaults as they were demanding to be let out of their cells.

“Continued physical acts of violence will result in more safety precautions and fewer individuals allowed out at one time,” said Director Scott R. Frakes. “We will do whatever is necessary to keep people safe. The only way the current conditions of confinement can change is when individuals demonstrate they are not a risk to cause harm to others.  That is done through good behavior and respectful interactions with staff and others.” 

Housing unit 2A remains on modified operations as a result of the March 2nd incident. Housing unit 2A’s level of movement will not be reduced as result of today’s assaults.  The remainder of TSCI is under normal operations. 

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