Death Of Intoxicated Man Being Investigated

Omaha police are investigating the death of a man while he was in detox. Omaha Police  were called to a home near Happy Hollow Blvd. and Izard Street on Sunday night to check the well-being of 31-year-old Charles Switch.

According to witnesses, Switch appeared drunk and had been sitting on the porch of a residence and knocking on the front door for nearly an hour. Officers said Switch had slurred speech and smelled like alcohol. 

Police say he was unable to walk or care for himself, so he was taken into Civil Protective Custody per department policy. Switch was taken to the Campus for Hope Alcohol Treatment Center. Switch’s preliminary blood alcohol content was .297. Just before 10 p.m. staff conducted a routine check on Switch. He was found to be experiencing a medical emergency and the staff called 911. 

Switch was transported to a local hospital where he was later pronounced dead. An autopsy has been conducted and Police are awaiting final results.  The incident is classified as an in-custody death because Switch was placed on Civil Protective Custody and admitted at the Campus for Hope for detox. 

It is the policy of the Omaha Police Department to use Civil Protective Custody to preserve life and prevent injury to intoxicated individuals.  Persons who are taken into Civil Protective Custody by Omaha Police Officers will be transported to the Campus for Hope Alcohol Treatment Center and detained for a period of no longer than 24 hours or until the person’s blood alcohol content is 0.01 or below.

The Omaha Police Department Officer Involved Incident Team is conducting an investigation, which is ongoing at the time. Per Nebraska State Statute, a Grand Jury will be convened to review this in-custody death.

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