Resources for Parents of Children with Autism

CLICK HERE for my conversation this morning with the executive director of the Autism Action Partnership, Justin Dougherty. Here are some additional resources he provided:

Project Lifesaver ( is the wearable device used by families of those who wander/elope and police departments. AAP administers the program on Omaha and OPD has the equipment and training. The program is also available in Sarpy and Lancaster County.

Big Red Safety Box ( is a tool kit for families who have a loved one prone to wandering. We give them out to families for free

  •  A caregiver checklist
  •  A Family Wandering Emergency Plan
  •  A first-responder profile form
  •  A wandering-prevention brochure
  •  A sample IEP Letter
  •  A Student Profile Form
  • Emotion Identification Cards
  • Wandering Quick Tips

BE SAFE training ( is a movie/training to help children with autism better understand and interact with law enforcement. We hosted a local BE SAFE training event a few years back and have conducted numerous events with OPD to educate them on autism.

(Not familiar with the story of the two kids pictured above? It's beautiful -- CLICK HERE.)

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