Dallas Shooting Victim Responds to Omaha Activist

After yesterday's events where Mayor Stothert removed local activist JaKeen Fox from one of her advisory boards, Fox told me he'd join me on the radio this morning to respond to more questions I had following his support for the 2016 Dallas shooter who killed five police officers. Those questions:

JaKeen, do you want people to take to the streets today and kill police officers? 

If not, why not and why would you praise Micah X who did? 

If so, what stops you from doing it?

When I called JaKeen at the agreed-upon time at 10:05 this morning, he didn't answer the phone any of the several times I called.

Anticipating that this would happen, I wasn't left empty-handed during this segment. Shetamia Taylor was one who was shot in Dallas that day, and her story about her and her sons' lives being saved that day by the cops they showed up to protest was inspiring -- CLICK HERE to hear her relate those details and her feelings about Fox's sentiment.

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