I'm "Sick" This Independence Day

Sent to me by esteemed KFAB listener Dave L.

4th of July,,,, Independence Day. That's always been my favorite time of year. What's not to love? Warm weather, celebrating that we're Americans, celebrating that we are free, together, and with those we love. Eating hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, and blowing up stuff! Even in my days on the fire department, I always requested to be on a truck underneath the fireworks. It is the one time every year that I am always a 10 year old boy. 

Unfortunately this year I've determined that I'm sick.... I'm not going to any celebrations, I'm not celebrating with my friends, I'm not happy or feeling free. I am sick.

I'm sick of covid-19. I’m sick of black vs. white. I’m sick of Democrats vs. Republicans. I’m sick of gay vs. straight. I’m sick of Christians vs atheists. I’m REALLY sick of the media. I’m so sick of no one being allowed to think what they think, or feel what they feel without offending someone. I am sick of the nosey ass people who call the cops when anyone does anything they don’t approve of. I'm sick of people blaming the cops for doing a job when they act like irresponsible idiots. I am sick of blaming the whole for the sins of a few.

We’re one race—the human race. If you want to support President Trump? Good for you. It’s your choice. You want to support Biden? Fine, also your choice. You want to believe in God? Okay, believe in God. You want to believe in nothing? Awesome... do what you want to do, BUT stop thrusting your beliefs on others, then not being able to deal with the fact that others don’t have the same exact mind-set as you. Having our own ideals is what makes us all individuals and beautiful. If you can’t handle the fact that someone may have an opposing view(s) from you, then you are not any better than the bigots and the racists you have condemned. I don’t have to agree with everything you believe to be a decent human being & / or your friend.

Had to let this vent out or I most certainly would have exploded. Happy Independence Day to all. God bless and take care..

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